Friday, December 29, 2006

F is such a fantastic letter. Its the beginning of so many important words. We were said to be fish a few billion years ago, that starts with F. If you've watched south park, retarded fish monkey doesn't count. Fish is the beginning of humans. Not big enough? Ah go fuck a wall or something.

Fantastic began with F, i just used it. So is Fuck, and i just used it too.

F also brings about serious emotions. LIKE MY FUCKING GRADES FOR EXAMPLE.

Just my luck to take my maths paper when a bunch of maths geniuses took it as well.

Ah well. FUCK NERDS. One F isnt going to fucking kill me.

ps: For those idiots out there gloating at my misfortune, i got 4 Bs to cushion that. B for bastard. And of course Bored.
This is a fact, though its pointed out to me by friend monkey-kun. If you dunno who he is, well, shut up and stop making fun of this name.

We all are going to hell.

Why? you may ask. Taiwan has an earthquake and here we all are, sitting at home wondering what happened to our internet connections. Fuck you, people are dying out there. Cable companies hold CONFERENCES, declaring what they will take action to settle the internet. Fuck you, what about those dead people?

That's why we're so fucked up. And note that i said WE. I'm one of those bastards.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Im bored, and i spent 3 hours in Maple after a long long time. Somehow it's great to gain some senseless digits, but well, there were friends to talk to so its cool.

Anyway, just a rant.

Just one.


Happy holidays.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Xmas shopping. Joy to the world, I am so pissed~~

Wandered about Junction 8 just to get a gift. 2 in fact. One of them, well, i call it a magic wand that gives muscular relief when plugged in and can swear at people when its not. Good ol' Brit style.

Second gift needs some cryptic questioning. I called my princess for some "hints".
You guys can do this at home too. Just don't expect the same results.

I asked for:

black, white, blue
elephant or mouse
eat, drink or sleep
beauty or beast

I wun say what she told me, but you guys can try decrypting the meanings yourself.

Anyhow i got her a magic charm. In case she reads this post, and to keep you guys guessing. I ain't saying it out, cos its a magic charm, see?
Anyhow i wandered about for the charm, and a kid stepped on my foot. Its not a slight tread and then a sorry and he scampers off, he STOOD on my foot for a full 2 seconds before wandering off like an idiot. I made a mental note to kick him good and swift.

Unfortunately that little faggot keeps scampering into the Barbie section, so i cannot kick him good. Damn. Curses on his gay heritage. Anyway fuck him, i tried to find accessories for my laptop, and did i mention laptops overheat faster than your microwave oven? Damm thing nearly burnt a hole on my bedsheets.

After wandering about the damn place, i got tired and managed to find the charm. met my princess but i failed to give her the presents cos she want them the xmas way: wrapped up neatly. ah well, more work then.

Oh the way home, i met one of those fucking singaporean Aunties again. Its a fucking empty bus, there's SO many places, and yet she has to squeeze into the front of the queue. And still pick a place she likes. I bumped her with my bag that had a coke and she nearly fell down, cos her foot was stuck in one of the seats. Fuck, why didn't she fall face first. Fucking bitch. Anyway, Xmas shopping ended this way.

And i STILL haven't kicked that gay kid.
I walked past Mayflower Sec one day and i saw several banners about crime, records and achievements. Then i realized that Criminal records are more powerful than achievement records.


Criminal records are permanent. One is all you need to be remembered for life. Achievements? "Hey, he's the dude who made the what what insecticide, but i forgot his name."

Criminal records are cumulative, and size doesn't matter, all will count to your total. Achievements need to be taken in ascending order, first one smallest, and the next achievement needs to be larger than the previous, or it doesn't count.

Criminal records strike fear in people. Achievements just makes people think you're a snob and/or a nerd.

Criminal records ensures you have friends in the police force AND the underworld. Achievements give you neither. Well sometimes, but that is if you aren't caught yet.

Criminal records overwrite Achievements anyday. Doesn't matter what Masters you got, one child molest and you're remembered only for that.

Just a musing. People, please don't take this for real. If you do, well, its too bad, isn't it.

Friday, December 22, 2006

So im bored. Shoot me.

Another uneventful day, apart from knowing i could have known my results beforehand, but i was too stoned to realize that even professionals have slip ups. Someone must have spiked their coffee, or their coffee spiked them, whichever works.

Anyway its 3am, im still up blogging, and im just bored out of my skull too much to do anything, much less sleep. When you're stoned from boredom, sleep is like cold turkey. But i ain't looking forward to School too. C, C++, Flash and maya is a good dose of doom. Meh.

Christmas is near, and Santa is pissed off. No presents for all the miscreants this year.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Gotta blog about my horrible saturday. Next post will be about today.

Or yesterday, come to think of it.

Anyway, i wake up on Saturday realizing my phone is connected. Cos i moved house, remember? If you don't, read below. Anyway, i found my broadband dead, cos my modem is dead. Lady Fortune is a real joker when it comes to bad luck, and its her habit to deal Royal flushes of bad luck, and she just dealt the 10.

Then i went down to collect my laptop from the IT-co op. For all those single and in NUS, and also possessing a iMac/Fujitsu, break your laptops cos the counter girl is cute. Unfortunately, on that saturday i realized they played me out: No laptop and they didnt bother to call me. That was the Jack.

Then i had to trudge home and then got to move more stuff from my old place. My sister chose to use this time to piss me off. Queen.

Then i went home to bathe for a dinner date. But my Princess was busy at work still. Work! on Saturday! What the fuck? No, she's really at work, not dating another man behind my back. Even if there was, he will only be a man for so long. Anyhow, we had to cancel our outing cos her work is not done. King.

Then we got into a row cos she's tired and im tired. Ace.

What a saturday.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lets see. I havent blogged cos i was moving house. To the wisecracks, no i did not push my home to a new spot. I downsized from a semi D to a semi Comfy. Spent 1 week moving stuff and more stuff. This week, which is also the last well, involved moving animate objects to inanimate ones. The animate ones are easy, since it only involved moving myself to tears from the aspect of moving out of my home of 18 years. The inanimate ones jut out here and there, stopped me from moving, and stopped the moving in general.

Moving house wasn't a really moving thingy, but i must thank Skywalker and my cousin SH-kun for helping about the house. Esp Skywalker, hurting shin and knee to move the Box-With-2-Hugeass-Magnets. (Its an amp, but shhh).

Past few days were also a plague to my soul. My Tablet PC sure took its time to come, and when it did, it played hop with my schedule. But in the end i got it, its pretty and shit, but its mine still. Sweet, and stuff. Now making flash in it and using it as a jotter book.

Tired and really donno what else to type. Guess i'll pause here. People who flame, fuck you, not because you flame, but because you can flame even NOTHING. _|_ to you in advance, and to others, im just bored.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Good friend Kronon posted me a comment which is damn worth sharing.

Comments: Kids should really just stick to this.

And it irks me to hear secondary school kids talking brashly about 'hacking' games and getting all the bling bling and being all proud and happy about it.

Yeah, great way to show their parents how well they've been doing after they've stuffed thousands of dollars worth down their pieholes to get them where they are today.

I wish I could bring them to a real hacker. Who uses an axe. Stainless steel.

Im expecting a lot of flames from those kids out there pretty soon. Here's a pre-reply: _|_

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Actually it began WAY WAY last week. Just that i was feeling irritated to actually carry out some serious moving. Somehow i just don't feel like moving. After all, i grew up in this house, and i still have feelings for the place i grew up in. Just doesnt feel.... right to move to another place.

Anyway, Cousin S-kun and good friend Skywalker came over to help out. S-kun got his toe stubbed, and Skywalker got his shin busted. Thank god he still can walk. Cursed Box with Two MagNets and Weighs 20Kg. Its an amplifier, btw. All ended well, and got a bottle of red wine from S-kun too. Must remember to get him to finish it too.

Playing AncientRO now. Gawd the people in there are just as snobbish as singaporean gamers. And i thought kids with a keypad was bad enough. I SWEAR there's one dude in there that's a singaproean: cos he challenged to kill me in PvP. Oh well. Sometimes kids just LOVE to be creamed, not like im any good. Cos seriously, 10 seconds to kill a still target is WAYYY too long. Really. Its the same has having a godamn pistol in one hand loaded, and im sleeping. just FUCKING DO IT BITCH!

Anyway, im feeling very cranky over this moving house business. Im just not that kind of move around dude.

Once again, leave your name, bitchers. Or more well known as flamers. But there's nothing to flame i suppose. Oh well, it IS a bored blog. Or Bitch blog, whatever.

Friday, December 08, 2006

One more post.

If you heard about Maplestory, read on. Otherwise, click back of sth.

If you hear someone who says maplestory is for kids, Fuck him upside down. Why? Its full of adult content. Full of kids wanting sex. Full of kids deprived of a pussy. Full of them wanting to try but JUST CANT GET LAID. TOO BAD KIDS!

Oh yeah, the last thing i talked in there was how sex and physics are related. They are, you kids, so shut up and listen. Oscillation must be well maintained for utmost enjoyment, and gravity helps the downward forces. If you know, you know, otherwise pay a hooker to teach you.

Not to mention the gangster peeps in there threatening here and there whenever they cannot get their way. Gangsters? More like a fucking kid who never ever held a knife in his hand. But they display it! Display violence like its saturday lunch! FREE! PARENTS! DO SOMETHING!

Maplestory is for kids? Fuck there's so much sex content! SO MUCH SEX AND VIOLENCE! Parents, stop your kids from playing already!

And yea, once again, i target my flame at kids, cos they have been irritating me for the past few days. If you're 18 and going to flame me, i got a message for you: LOOK at your FUCKING mirror, LISTEN to your FUCKING mouth SPEAK, and then ask yourself: ARE YOU A FUCKER?

To peeps that peeked at my blog, well, erm, hi.
Last rant. Flamers, Fuck you, and you can begin now.

Somehow im bored, so i flare at teenagers. Cos you teens have NO idea how fucked up you can get. You piss off your parents, your elders, and then yell I WANT FREEDOM. Well, go. Fuck off and get hit by a car. If you survive, contemplate how useful it could be to listen to your elders.

To all the unfilial idiots out there, and chances are you don;t know who you are, begin idiots and all, Fuck you, get killed by a truck or something, and disappear. And oh, don't get married nor have kids. They don't deserve you. And we're better off without your DNA in the global gene pool.

Alright. Flame on, and leave your name to tell me you got guts and nerve.
Another post.

Wonder why some pubs forbid kids that are below the age of 23? I say kids, cos we go there to PLAY. Find me someone that goes there to talk about business and i show you the pub owner. Fuck it, even the owner goes there to hook some chicks up.

When you're 18, fucking 18, someone bumps into you, you swear like you own the fucking table. Then the other guy will either apologize or fuck you up. Either way, being naive and idiotic, the 18 year old will call the ENTIRE world down just to tell the other guy "You do not bump into big daddy". Big, yeah, fuck off. If the other guy is 18 too, then he will get HIS own army down. Wheeee. World war in a can. Then both parties proceed to tear down the pub, pillage all the wine, and make off with some random chick. Pub gone. fun all gone. Why? Some 18 year old doesnt know what the FUCK he's doing.

When you're 23, things are different. Someone bumps into you, the other party usually apologizes. then you have 2 choices. Punch him OUT, or say "All's cool". Usually 23s go there to drink. Not to have a show of force to show how influential he is amongst some youths. And 23s do NOT tear bars down. They just wanna chill.

So the next time the bouncer tells you to fuck off just cos you're 18, you better fuck off like he tells you to. Get laid somewhere else. You know what you're there for, and its definitely not to chill. MEN go there to chill and have fun. Boys just go there to see hairy holes.
I got a few rants cos im bored. And because im bored i'll post my rants in several posts. So sit down and read up. If you wanna flame me, shut the fuck up, read finish, then flame.

Ever had those nights where you just wanna sit in front of a com, play non stop, and then knock out? Damm its been going on all week. Any online RPGs just make my life real sick. Everywhere i turn, i see kids who think they GOT DA POWERRR OFFF GREYSTORMMMMM. They think they're fucking He-Man. Well i got newwwwwsss for you. First of all, tapping 3 keys at any one time won't guage you as to how MAN are you. Fuck you. That's probably the only 3 fingers you ever get to use on another body.

And second, its a simple game, it takes only 3 guides, some time, and some patience. Want a real game? Get a college degree, a steady job, a wonderful family and stay away from drugs. Can you score 100 on that? If not, sit down, shut up, play your game and get 0 for Life. Not my problem, and im probably happier you're caged away from me in my game.

More rants coming up, since i should get organized. Somehow.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


That was last saturday, but hey, its still worth yelling out. I should do it again.


Laptop's UP!! but its not on my lap, so i got issues. L-kun and along with the rest of the gang waited for me to settle the loan, if not for a FUCKING old man hanging out at the terminal to print out my FUCKING form. took a godamn 90 minutes settling that damn thing.

Today was steamboat. A lot of joking, a lot of fun. But thanks to me, the soup wasn't that great. But hey, food's food after all. All's cool. This is really the highlight of my day. Cos all my friends are with me, and so is my princess-sama. Eat and chill, that is the life.

Maplestory just got a LOT more sick. Kids with money are flooding the arena with their "Oh im so godly wearing this thin piece of cloth that gives me a lot of stats" items and their childish FUCKING behaviour. Fuck, life is bad enough and they had to invade a virtual world. Fuck you, if you read this bored piece of crap, Fuck you again, cos you deserve it, fuckers. If you aren't mature enough, FUCK OFF. Don't talk to me, cos im immature intolerant. I WILL FLING CRAP AT YOU IF I SEE YOU, FUCKING RETARDED FISH MONKEYS. I forgot that noob bandit's name, but if you got the nerve to spend money on your FUCKING items, you better be up to scratch, and i pity your parents for having a son that spends money on DATA. ITS FUCKING 0s AND 1s YOU IDIOT! And you know why private servers are good? COS YOU DUN HAVE TO WASTE ALL YOUR FUCKING LIFE IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER POKING MUSHROOMS BITCH! Loser? Awww cmon, you aren't that bad a person... NOT! YOU DESERVE TO PLAY IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER UNTIL YOU GET FAT BITCHES!!

As you can see, i didnt have a perfect day. Its baaaaaaaaaaaaadGOODbaaAAAAAADDDD. Fucking retarded fish monkeys that havent evolved out of their scaly vaginas and hairy cocks.

Leave your names to flame me, and this time, you flame me, you are a retarded fish monkey too. EAT YOUR OWN SHIT ASSHOLES.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bored bored bored bored bored. so i write this post.

Exams studying really blows. Bitching about the wireless project that is happening. No wonder people have to pay more now. Can you say "ripoff"?

cough*te*cough*mas*cough cough.

Back to books now.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Quote of today:

If there is no quote, there is no quote.

Yeah im bored. Blame maths, integration and hitler. Bingo.
Quote of yesterday: (by J-kun)

If drinking milk can make you grow taller, cows won't be so short.


For those that are saying "you are so bored man.", Read the fucking title.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I went through an old post and i thought this might be worth posting. It was a comment about one of my posts.

boring boring may as well dun write

to my fellow bored friend "anonymous":

First of all, welcome to the club. You are as bored to read thru so many blogs to come to my blog as i am to write this shit. Wow, that was some intellectual personnel commenting on my boredom.

Secondly, leaving lewd comments while not showing your bloody name? That was so brave. Wow, you sure got yourself heard. You sound like the same dude(or duddette, lets not be sexist) that backstabs your best friend for his/her gals. Friends of this "anonymous" dude, beware, and if you wonder why gers(or guys) are looking at you weird, you know who to look at.

Thirdly, you aint got no class. you sound exactly like those counter-striking kids who go "OMGWTFYOUNOOBZLOLSUX0RZ". If you don't have no chicks looking at you, (im seriously thinking its a guy here. Don't judge me) its you, man.

Btw, you sure are great entertainment value, whoever you are. I actually called my sisters to see your flame. Maybe being a mime or clown is your job option?

Thought i might have to share why i want the names of those that flame me. to critics: Are you this loser here? If so, good. Hide in your hovel so i don't have to see your fucking face.
Today i took a look at TV. A rare thing. Then i saw the preview of a local drama. Its not drama, its an educational social feature. That's singaporean drama for you know. Everything is controlled now. News are controlled, shows are controlled... that's why i watch anime now. Unlimited violence and humour that has no thread of social nor political insight. TV now has too much reality. If i want reality, i'd go out and jump onto a car. Moving. Preferbably a Farrari. If i gotta face reality i may as well face it good. And get one with a nice face. And not a male driver.

Yes im bored, fucking critics.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

alright~ previous post was a song that i heard on streaming radio. Pity its quite lost in the mists of internet time. Irritating. But at least youtube got its MTV. Talk about transitioning. Anyhow if you're interested the title is Miss You from m-flo loves Melody with Ryohei Yamamoto. But i like the artist's name more than the song. =D

testing to see if it works

Sunday, November 05, 2006

今度、俺は日本語へブロゴにかきます。しょがないだ。試験の時間あと2週間から。練習は必要あります。だって、この entry の時間はも10分です。。。俺はまだまだ上手だ。死でおもいいわ。。。

Hope you bored ppl that saw this can read this. If not, well, its another bored rant.
I just seen my previous posts for comments (Shyt you F-chan), and i came across one pretty interesting comment:

hey, I just got a free $500.00 Gift Card. you can redeem yours at Abercrombie & Fitch All you have to do to get yours is Click Here to get a $500 free gift card for your backtoschool wardrobe
Being pwnt by maths so i'll just make a bored rant here.


Thanks you for your few seconds of your time to read this rant. And if you STILL wanna flame this post, Fuck you, and leave your name so that i know who's been wasting time on my bored post.

And one thing, Don't tell me i shouldn't even post in the first place. FUCKING HELL READ THE TITLE OF MY BLOG YOU STUPID SHIT.

To friends who come to read, i really hate maths man, i really do.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wow, one month from my previous post. Guess i wasn't bored during this month. Missed out a lot of things to blog about, including my 1 day job as an invigilator at st. Nicks. Monster hovel, really. Now for you St. Nick girls out there reading this post and going "NO WE AREN'T!", im serious, you girls are monsters when you want to. Its just that you girls aren't looking at yourselves when you are misbehaving. Anyhow, it was fun. Took a pic of the poor girls struggling at the paper. A-chan was working with me, and she's my sister's junior so i had to keep a lookout for her. Like for example monster taming. Even she was a little lost at what to do, but oh well, i can handle it. Objectives are clear so there was nothing to it.

Anyhow exams are coming soon. L-kun and T-kum hooked me to doTAAAAAAAA so now im a bone fletcher going around eating my friends. T-kun keep insisting that the sun wu kong bar isn't working for me. So i ate him. Well, not exactly him, but i ate the ones around him, since i cannot directly ate him. Hence he got eaten by the opposition. Who ever said you don't need friends? You do, otherwise you will go hungry at times. L-kun was quite objective about the SunWuKong bar too. However i didn't eat him, since he supports the frontline well. And i don't like iron. Ice cream was always an undead's favourite. And good eating too. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. Wait, im a skeleton. Hmm... Make that melts in your space that once was your mouth but then degenerated into an empty space with barely 20 teeth and a jaw, not in your what was once hands but now finger bones. Undead M&Ms. Mmmmm...

Soft Engine project was quite smooth, with ruffles here and there. Im more worried for maths. Now i really hate the wars. Why? They made scientists think harder. And with nothing to do but hide in labs counting, they made a+b have meaning. Fuck hitler. Fuck musolinni. Spelling mistake, you say? Fuck you too.

Bored out of my skul, but then gaming seems too sinful now. Shyt studying. And for those that like sadist laughs, go to NewGrounds to watch MGShitEater. Its cool. MoreLikeBlue is also fun sadist humour. Forgot the author's name, but he's an innovative dude. Aftering seeing his comics, im never drinking red bull. Cos i really dun wan random wings sprouting all over me.

That's it for today. If you wanna flame, leave a name. If you wanna comment, pls feel free. If you comment in any other language instead of english, make sure its chinese or japanese. Good day, all fellow bored people.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

whoooo. im bored so i'll post again.

Projects just keep coming, and its scary that they came faster than homework. Well, maths has always been a pain in the ass, what witht he amount of studying and practice you need. Fuck, you don't even earn experiwnce points per question fragged.

I was so bored that i had to read my own blog. Wow. Bored people DO know how to entertain bored people. Anyhow, Japanese was a murder. Any one of you trying to take uni level Jap, you better know some. Or know some people who know some. hur hur. i is tripping over my endglish.

T-kun ended doing up most of 2xx5 project. shyt. I feel bad that he had to save my sorry ass. I THINK he may end up reading this so, dude, i owe you one.

Bored out of my ass. Old friend D++n suddenly snapped wire, and kept saying he liked f-chan. If you noe F-chan you know, If you don't, here's a hint: Its not Fuck-chan. And im curious what drives his cock now. Can you say "ChickSonar?" Anyhow i dun feel the vbored drive to type much. Cant remember much from the past week, except i've been hit by the "NEW AND IMPROVED" cold virus. These things just keep coming back new and improved. Or its God's way of saying "You Sleep Too Little. Either You Sleep Or My Creations Will Make You." Kill is too strong a word. and i dun wan extremists flaming my blog. hur hur, digital fire. hur hur.

Once again, for bored people who read my crap, thank you and hope you leave this page not so bored. And for those who don't like my entry and wanna flame me, leave me your name so that i know who im insulting, and if you don't have the balls to, its ok, go back to your lifeless mundane lifestyle while i happily flame an anonymous prick. Well I AM bored wad.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

double post, but hey, they ARE 2 seperate events.

My comments on rudeness lately.
Just last night i was getting on a bus to get home, and i was sick, fucking hell. Some auntie squeezed right in front of me trying to board the bus before me. Im just one foot away from getting in the bus and she was trying to get on as though hello kitty was going fast. So i tilted my arm to block her protruding handbag, and watched 5 seconds of her trying to get her fat ass up the bus and pulling at her handbag. Should have pulled it to snap. Then i see her snatching a place from a girl and still have the nerve to say "thank you" before sitting down. Wow, courtesy comes in many forms huh, not to mention sizes. She still yelled to a "i guess" collegue if she wanna sit at her place. GRACIOUS SINGAPORE, BURNS MY ASS.

So i met my sis on board, so i was talking about rude people loudly on the bus (Hey im no gentleman, and if you didn't know it, you shouldn't be here, how did you come here?) and then its time to get off, some bitch of an old lady kept going excuse me from behind me. First of all, i cannot. 3 people in front of me, 1 being my sister. You want me to plow over them for your fat ass to get off? No. Second of all, im trying to get off also. Have some patience, the bus driver won't play "CRUSH THAT FAT ASS WITH BUS DOORS", though i would REALLY love to see the spilt blood of the fat bitch auntie. Last of all, "Excuse me" is a term to ask for pardon, and no, not when im pissed off, so Fuck off. But i did not tell that to the fat bitch. I just told her im getting off as well, so RELAX! CALM DOWN WE'RE GETTING OFF A BUS THAT IS PERFECTLY OKAY! ITS NOT BURRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNINGGGG, BUT YOU ARE BURNING MY ASSSSSS!!!

Don't you love courtesy?

Oh yeah, rude people are the only people that will say other people are rude. Cheers for courtesy.

Okay so im a rude dude too. At least i have the decency to not rush people like a tailgating driver on a fucking bus. Nor cut a queue that is fucking obvious.

Got stuck in my head next to "omae wa karnina desu neh~" and "ai shio kan desu ka" after a stayover in Q's place. If you know, you know, if not, well, magnum ice cream rocks. Anyway this week was disaster for acaedemic and physical, since i fell sick after staying over at L and Q's place in 2 conseceutive nights. Fuck grammar, i got no mood for spelling checkers now. Q's place was havoc. we kept going "I wun dhat un" and crystal jade was mighty nice, much gratitude to Q's parents for the generous treat. Almost died from lack of sleep for that day. L's place kicked it up a notch with KFC ( That REALLY burnt my ass) and movie screeening of Island, dawn of the dead (Its so saddening but SOOOO beautifully gruesome. Sex and violence never got that compact.) and of course, a new benchmark of movies, faust. IT WIL ROCK YOUR WORLD, oh and of course burn ur ass. Bad thing after those 2 days is that i cant study. Flu fatigue and water burns the ass.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Put off the sunday event posting until friday. Not that i've been busy, i've been lazy. Anyhow, sunday was a rush day, SoC Ball, waking up at 10 to rush to Darling's place. Took an ass long time to dress well for it. Its a white jacket with jeans and a long sleeve V neck inside. HOT~. Darling was a black top with a white skirt. Sexy~~ Anyhow, we rushed cab to Conrad. Classy, but, there's just something i cant put my finger to it, such as the atmosphere being too damm stiff. Anyhow, E-chan, organiser of the event, told me that i have to go around prancing onto random attendees of the ball with mini games. It can range from a simple "SING YOUR ABCS BACKWORDS!!!! PWNT WAHAHAHAHA" (KC san got this from me) to sing on stage a duet (LJ kun got this from me)

Food wise was great. SUSHI ROCKS AS ALWAYS, but hadn't eaten my full. damm. Conrad food was overrated though, but EhDelLine says its good. Note to self: Dun trust EhDel. Especially on food. Apart from sushi is the normal spring rolls ar, pastry ar, bread ar.... the smoked salmon on a bread deserves commendation though. It rocks.

Oh, during the ball i was wearing a hairband too, and so did my darling. The horns on it rock too. So we were literally devils walking around the ball, preying on the guests. The mildest i made ppl do was say ABC in a breath. And drink one glass of coke.

The ball ended with me taking off with one of the props: the devil stick. hhohooho. I had kids on the way keep staring at it like its made of gold. Kids, life is candy and toys. Sex has no appeal to them with candy in the way.

but had a fight on the way back with Darling. reason is unclear since its not a happy thing and it happened 5 days ago. but it resolved like our many other arguements. Meh.

Conclusion: Dun put off ur blogging for more than 3 days. YOU CANT WRITE SHIT THIS WAY.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

late post about P-chan's bbq party. It was smackdown fun. Downright. MORNING was boring. I mean, since when was school ever fun? Its the things that happen after lessons that are fun, but, what CAN happen in a school? "Oh, the bookshop has imported a new kind of pen from Sweden! Ohhhh..." Save the excitement, Lady.

After the school boredom, it was home to ditch stuff, then its to Bugis to pick up Darling. She was late that morning so i had to wait for her to cover back her time. Went to the drums in Bugis. NEVER put money into it, cos the drums are spoilt. And i paid $2 to find that out. Such is the price of boredom.

Finally she arrives, and starved. So its Tako Pachi and some other finger food. But we were late, so we ended up making other ppl in the MRT hungry too. Never knew Old Chang Kee had such a powerful arua in a cabin of 100 commuters.

Reached clementi to get to P-chan's party. But. West isn't my territory, so i have no idea where to head to. Had to get help from T-kun to find my way ard. After some way-pointing and then travelling with 2 eyes open like a radar, we finally met up with T-kun and L-kun.

Then after a trip to a toilet to let my Darling change out of her working attire (Its not beach wear. hurhurhur, beach wear.), and a little embarassment which involved a pair of escalators and some weird stares, (we went up and down on the same pair of escalators. To know how embarassing it is, try it yourself.) We walked all the wat to the West coast. T-kun and L-kun were so intensely in arguement about PHP and, i had a feeling that had no idea where they are heading. For all we know, we may end up waist deep in the sea and not know why.

At last, after some phone calls and walking, we reach the venue. The party needed little description. Everyone was high on adreneline and barberque. Alcohol hit a little later when P-chan's friends came into the picture. Everyone was just as lame. Everyone laughed away. And when work came into the picture, the poor fellow who spoke was given drink. There was gay-humping, and there was booze, and one of the little events involved a cup of satay gravy, ice, bee hoon, peach tea, a slicce of mango, some butter and some cream.P-chan, after 6 shots of vodka that has been intensified with other soft drinks and flavourings, brought the mixture to her mouth without thinking. (She didnt drink it, her brother-by-oath stopped her in time.) Also there was happiness. Darling had a lot of fun. And she brought luck. M-san never won a big-small draw with me. If you dun noe the rules, 52 cards, whoever picked the bigger card wins. T-kun, however, is my nemesis, since when he blew on the cards i end up having to eat an otar with sambal sauce and drenched in satay gravy. Can you say "This burns my ass"?

After the booze and the fun, homebound. Pity Darling didn't wanna come over to my place to stayover.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Its thursday. A day that WAS supposed to be short. Lecture at 9-10. It was so peaceful. I use was not only because it happened in the past, about 10 hours ago. It also meant that peace was in the past.

Lect over, coke drunk, i went over back to my home ground in school, which was in SOC. If you know, you know. If you dun, just think of it as my hovel. I went, planned my timetable a little, and then went to the canteen for lunch. Found Shin-chan, my freshie, Z-kun and KY-kun seated in the canteen. I ate lunch, and saw Shin-chan doing tutorials. Already. Its freaking first week and she's mugging tutorials. Holy cow. So i whacked with her as well. First arrow flew over.

Adeline (pronounced Eh-Del-Line, courtesy of me) flew over to my table. Well, it seemed she flew, since she was wearing the prop wings and bouncing over. All of a sudden, im in the committee for the SOC Ball, as a game IC. Once again, if you are in the know, you know, if not, you just missed out of some fun and good food and saved $25.

After the EhDelLine scare, i tried mugging the tutorial again. Its the dy/dx shit all over again, but i canot fucking remember shit about it. Oh fuck i said shit. Oh well. just when i was trying hard to make things work, P-chan came over. Since its crowded and no tables are around, she popped over, and anyway P-chan used to be Shin-chan's freshie too. P-chan is a magnet for trouble, since M-san, CC director-to-be if all goes well, came over too. Next thing i knew, im on the roasting spit for committee head. Its a sub-committee, but if things go awry, there goes my studies. Another arrow. wheeeee.

Evening proved to be my respite, cos i get to see my Princess, my Hime-sama. We went for Carl's jr, which wasnt satisfying as last time. The first trip was a huge chunk of Carl. Today it was really a piece of Carl's junior. But they do burgers well, so no complains in that area. Free flow of coke always earn my thumbs up too.

Once again, i conclude this entry with a plead, a plead for all flamers to name themselves so i can curse you good and proper. Failing which i will curse you anyway, so good luck cursing my bored piece of crap.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gwah, i wrote so much about FOW that i forgot to post a fun ehtry: First day of 3rd Gaki!! (term)

Actually the first day is monday, but i didn't have lessons. So... waha~ Played maplestory AGAIN, and i wonder why i didnt have that mood during the holidays. Only after school begins do i have that mood. Fuck, i do things better when im not supposed to.

Anyhow first off was maths. Xen dyed his hair pink this time, and he looks more like paul 2hill now. Or correctly saying, paul twohill looks like Xen. Prolly stole his look on the streets. Anyhow, he changed hair colour, my hair went through a revamp. Go figure. 3 months really does much to the human mind.

Then it was Jap. wheeeee. the lesson is very jap. The lecturer was jap. The rules were very jap. And i dun mean that they were written in japanese. The rules were as strict as they are in japanese. Respect the teacher at al times, hand in your bloody homework on time, blah blah blah... I thought singapore was a open minded society? Fuck the respect shit. You want respect? Earn it. But that's beside the point, since i wanna watch anime without subtitles someday. So, im learning Jap!

CS modules were the stunner. everyone went through a makeover. Mousie-kun cut his hair so short i almost mistook him for a PRC. With a suit and a bowtie he can go back to the 60s. LF-chan also had a dye and perm. Holy crap she looks hotter now (Sorry darling if you are reading my crap now. Im being honest here, since she paid hundreds for a comment, figures to give her one here =D) She's still as hyper as ever, but she still loses out to fen-chan. Another girl on drugs. hoho. The rest of the gang didn't have much change, though some have hair lengths different from 3 months ago. Good ol' things never change.

The day overall was crap though. Foot Rot and RainWater are the best friends if you like lemon in cuts on your sole. What a great first day, and it works both ways.
Whooooo ha. its been long since i posted something on the blogpage. Lazy i am, therefore i dun keep this well maintained. Maybe this makes this blog more unique. People like it prim and proper and themes and crap. To me, this is some place where i empty out what happened, lock, air for viewing, ok, that's it. done.

Past 10 days was FOW. freshman orientation week for those who dunno, and for those who do, it had been fun. Knew a lot of people like the FOW prez, JQ-kun, the forgot his appointment IC, J-kun, and the small and kawaii and overhyper and forever on drugs girl YS-chan. Anyway, recap.

First day(thursday) was meet da freshman. They really ARE fresh. All blur, wondering what's going on, and there i was, telling them all sorts of crap and wondering what i can do to make them at least speak. Ice breaker was really fun, if your idea of fun is dance in front of a group of freshmen that just got together wondering what is going on, and there you are prancing in front of them and doing a pole dance. Wow that sure was fascinating.

G***m san was scheduled to do a CM module introduction. For those in the know, yeah, G-san is a fuck-off. For those who don't. its better you dun, for your safety's sake. A 10 minute introduction became a life story narration, like his life only revolved around work, flash and maya. Show some family pictures already! I can imagine him at his birthday party, showing off a demostration of maya. "I R TEH KNOES MAYA! HURHURHUR"

Mass dance was like humiliation. Sure its fun, its a form of bonding, but when you tell a person with a motor neuron deficency, such as me, to do a syncro dance, it just comes out very weird. Much as i appreciate J-Kun for his effort, it wasnt enjoyable. I lack the dance nerve to enjoy it. Much less perform. Its the same as te old uncle loving sex, but needs the Viagra to enjoy it. Lacking which, sex is just playing tennis without the ball.

Second day(friday) was more moving. and i really mean the physical disposition, not emotional tides coming forth and fro. NUS uncovered, it was nicknamed. It also showed my incapability to read maps. Dammit. Even my freshman can point out which bus goes to where. The waypoints don't seem to follow well too. Whoever plots to go north then south and then north again? Anyhow it was fun, doing the minigames and yelling a cheer before and after each station. Makes the embarassment less embarassing. Hur hur hur, embarassing embarassment. Can you say "obvious"?
But FASS really woke me up. Shrieking girls, huge numbers, colourful shirts... Never knew NUS harboured wildlife too. I wanted to jump into their center to grab the mike for 3 volunteers. But they had a briefing just when i wanted to pull the stunt. crap. Oh well. Beats making FASS my enemy too.

Oh yeah, and night dinner was carl's jr. The burger was NOT junior. It was definitely senior with a hugeass carl inside it. Its small, but the free flow coke make the buns expand. Curse you, spongy bun makers. Reason for the hugeass burger meal was that its the mark of 68 adventurous months with my girlfriend. i say adventurous, cos if all 68 months had been peaceful and war-free, there would be no excitement of love in our relationship. Music made from our romance would be like fur-elise put on infinite loop, probably from a scratched record. Our theme music is more of heavy metal with L`arc En Ciel on the vocals, and with a LOT of rappers, and Will Smith leading the gang, and probably with a 200 strong orchestra behind them all. I love my romance.

the weekend was a breather. But friday had drove me into the mood. How could i sit still? so i ended up bringing my girlfriend into the estacy high mood as well. Spread the joy, no?

Monday was kinda hazy. What did i do on monday? ..... crap.

No wonder i forgot. monday was FIC. Basically it was a simple talk in the morning about algo solving by J-kun and CK-kun. From what i see, 50% were knocked out cold by algorithms that seem to exist from Mensa IQ tests, and the other 50% including me was kinda sleeping away.

FIC itself was a drab. For those who know, yeah its boring in there and outside. For those who do not know, its boring inside it and out. Hur hur hur. Spent the waiting time watching ken parry chun li's kicks and repeat plays of sagat TIGRRR TIGRRR TIGRRR. Wow, the excitements of my life. In the end, i got my ass kicked good and proper in puzzle bobble. And i thought it was supposed to be simple!! That was monday. wheee.

Tuesday. what was known as national day eve is now known as "NUS FRESHMEN AND SENIORS PLAGUE THE STREETS OF SINGAPORE RIPPING HARD EARNED MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC" day. If you happen to step in the streets of singapore, you will see a light blue shirt every few meters or so. (friends of the foriegn lands, if you imagine beggars combing the streets in your neighbourhood, its similiar, except we're cleaner). I had promised my freshmen that 2 hours will be money collecting. Ended up i had cheated them of the fun time, and all went to money collecting. Or as i call it, stripping the public of their money. You may have your views, but i have my own. A roadshow probably earns more.

Wednesday was my soul's reprieve. National day, where the nation shoots fireworks for my girlfriend's mum's birthday. I like national day after i got to know my girlfriend, cos i get to eat cake everytime on this day. That day also had pizza and KFC(where they do chicken wrong. Very wrong. Trust me, festive KFC is never done right), kindly sponsored by my lovely darling. If you think i call her that because she treated me, I'll step on one of your balls. (girls, well, i'll deem that you're jealous) One only, cos you MAY be right. But its in the past.
After which is Gaming FEVAAAAA and qiang's place. RBO always rock. and the female merchant is a parrying queen. only weakness is running into danger at every opportunity in hopes of blocking that one lethal hit. what i keep forgetting is, its called "lethal" for a reason.
That explains the 4 hours of non stop RBO. After that was Little brittan. Hilarious comedy, bringing the term "humour" to an extreme. Left qiang's place making the irritating "EH EH EHHHHH" sound as well as saying "i wun dat un!" every now and then. If you know, well, you'll chuckle. If you dun, dun ask me next time you see me. p.s. after this night, the lyrics "The internet is for porn~ So grab your dick and double click~ Porn porn porn~~" got stuck in my mind. Fuck you qiang.

Thursday was basically a continuation of wednesday. basically i didnt sleep. which explains why i look so wasted on thursday. Anyhow, started off the early bits of thursday morning with a mac hotcakes. Its my SOP after not sleeping anyway. Goooooo sugar rush. Drew had his swimming in syrup, so soaked isnt that big a health risk, no? napped here and there during A-san's lecture on UNIX. Hey', that's what lectures are for right? Sleep first, listen out for important points from ur friends later, no? No? holy crap. Anyhow, KC-san also took a hand in entertaining the freshies while preparations were made for "ULLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTIMATEEE FRISBEEEEEE"
sounds like a deathmatch area with a metal disc that can decapacitate a human being, but no. No man can do that with 100% accuracy. Even if there is, i dun wanna know.

Anyhow, i lugged my ass out onto that field, foot rot and all, and into the arena. Suffered a split wound, a 1-9 trashing (Hey, at least we scored) and whiplash from staying up all night. It was fun, but well, try having a lung that can cave in anytime, a leg with a cut and lemon squeezed into it, and hands that cant coordinate with mind that point of impact, and tell me how fun is that.

Friday, grand finale. wheee. I dunno to be happy or sad. Happy that i can at last sleep well. sad that HELL IS COMING AGHHHH. 4 core core core modules. Can you say "hardcore"? Anyway, J-kun made a hugeass snake and ladders, Gotta say it rocks. Cos of the forfeits. And the prizes. and the forfeits. And the fun. And the forfeits. And the forfeits. Did i mention the forfeits are fun? Anyway, my group(Myreans) won a lot of stuff. The irritating thing was once we won, the better prize is fished out. Can you say" WTFOMGBBQZARGH"? I got kinda in the mood and leapt on all the chairs all around. You know, how many chances do you get to stand on the LT chairs and not get scolded? Overall, all had fun.

...except the part that all the counsellours got hauled out to get a lecturing/tongue lashing/scolding/flaming (delete one) from KC-san. Apparently, he wasnt pleased that some of the counsellours were surfing po... something on their laptops(grab your dick and... not too appropriate here.) and so he urged all people to stir up the freshmen. Or at least convince them to look like they're having fun. Maybe that's where the porn came in.

Friday night was a stayover. May as well. Sat was Rag day. I wonder why its called rag, when everything on that day is elaborate and grand? Anyway i had some chattings with my freshies here and there, now and then. We seen if we can help the float, which we don't have much opportunities. Oh well. So went to talk to T-kun about his experiences and fun in his 1 year exchange in the US. Apparently, NUS is a very big name overseas. That should be KEWL, if not for the fact im eating Bs and Cs now, and i had my ass kicked by a D+. Yeah, i'd feel better if not for the grades im getting.

*SCANDAL* What you are about to read is not true, except for the part about the blanket, which was actually a sleeping bag, and that the girl that covered me with the "blanket" is chased after by dozens of guys, and that my life is in peril for posting this, because i find it very worth posting. hohoho.... ARE YOU LOSERS OUT THERE JEALOUS??? WAHAHAHAH~!!!

anyhow, i knocked out after helping move the float (rubbish, its moving on wheels to "float") to the field which i forgot the name. My freshies, MS-chan and ST-chan tried to cover me, but i think they're scared i'll wake up and pounce on them, or that they like me. Whatever. So they dare not cover me with the blanket. sleeping bag. argh.. then YS-chan came over and saw them in that awkward position. meh. So she simply covered me with that blankie. throughout im awake and watching with a slit-eye. Since there's no knives or murderous pantings, i see no need to intevene. Anyway, mind says go, body says no, so i just laid there stoned.

Rag day. Saturday. The day that everyone in the committee is waiting for. The day that i had 2 hours of sleep and barely surviving on a 500ml of coke, one leg with an open wound, the other sprained from having to carry the weight of my no-go body. to top it off, no macdonalds hot cakes soaked in maple syrup. My system could not kick start. And i lost my voice from cheering my ass off. hur hur, throat cheers ass, hur hur hur.

So i had my saturday started off from what people would see as a very good start. limping all over the place, cheering and some jeering(We hate biz fac, but its a secret. shhh...) Hall floats are the star attraction, since faculty floats were made from nothing, and hall floats were made from cash. Rag day itself had colour, and music, as well as 2 MCs that could not do much on their own even with microphones. You can give them 1000AMP speakers and mice can squeak louder than them. Nevertheless, what pissed me off was when the angel/devil performance was over and they exphasized the theme of "past vs present". Well, if they are trying an insult, they pulled it off inelegantly. No prize for guessing how they told a kid with cancer he's going to die.
Overall, a lot of cheering. I basically was disabled from using a tone of voice any higher than Hulk Hogan, and my legs were screaming to be chopped off. Gah. But that's the price of fun. Had a huge lunch, since its a buffet, and im Singaporean. Go figure. Ended the day with swinging YS-chan by the waist and chucking to Kmr-kun. From which i really concluded the senior attach Z-kun has a torch for YS-chan, since he gripped my shoulder nerve forcefully when i lifted YS-chan off her feet. That really hurt, and it already earned him a credit for a crotch blow DX with added boost. But it also showed how gutless he is to express his fondness for YS-chan, since he referred her as his "daughter". Get the fuck out of my face with this "family" shit. Either she's ur friend or she's your girl or she has no part in your life. Fuck off. If you are going to rip my nerves out for your own fondness, get her to accept you first. And since she has no qualms of me lifting her off her feet, stay the fuck out.

Other than that, its been fun. Lugged my ass home, soaked my screaming feet in warm water to calm them down first. then to cancel the outing i had planned for my princess, since mind AND body says no now. That concludes the FOW+Rag saga.

If my freshmen read this blog, comment, but leave ur names. I have a habit of glorifying my blog with those anomymous entries. And for people going to flame me, i thank you first. Your useless, senseless, tactless, classless entries are what helps me sharpen my wit and enighten the world to your useless presence. Try finding your worth in life, like what God had planned for you. Cheers, peace out, and i'll prolly edit here and there for what i missed out.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bored, so i'll post.

Last night, i got news that i have became the IC of my group. A promotion, if you like it that way. I donno if that be good news or bad news. Cos i hate admin work. Oh well, come what may.

My friend Sharon broke up with her bf. You WOULD feel sad for her, but the dude is in NS and its HIM that ditched him. Man, he got the order wrong. Anyhow i tried a futile attempt to cheer her up, and i used the word futile because she already got over it and is quite cheered up. So Happy + cheering up = STILL happy. If you think that what i wrote is useless, welcome to Club Boredom, fellow Bored Person.

Next semester at NUS is going to be OH so HELLISH. 5 core modules. tentatively i held back my suicide plan and went with 4 and a no-exam module. If you guys out there are thinking "WHEEE NO EXAMS I PWNZORS YOU!!!", no exams mean more hmk. So it works both ways. Wheee. Hence, im going to have fun at the upcoming freshman orientation week. If you know you're going to die, may as well have some fun before you go, really.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Today was a dark day. Wheeee. What a great day to go out and do a job. Plus i got a cold, 2 wheeeeees. Today got hooked up with a call up survey job. Wao, i love going out on a stormy dark day just so i can get my ass yelled at.

But it was kewl, Belinda, the lady at *company name* was nice, and the call up was kewl, a few sporty people willing to take the survey. A few were suspicious, naturally, since they wanted the private non listed numbers and yet a stranger with a blocked nose managed to call you up. Go figure who wanted the results of the survey. Of cos, the embarassment hits when the other party wants it in Chinese. RAM still has English loaded in it, and the CPU wants a Chinese track without any preloaded vocab, the loading time can get pretty rough.

Netted a measly amount for a day's work. Wheeee. That's 3 wheeeees. And it turned out it didnt rain after all. But i still got the fucking cold. *sigh*

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Righto, its another post, and i got woken up rudely by my sister crying murder. Wheeeee. 5 hours of sleep means no Mr nice guy.

Crawled out of bed to see black faced mum in front of my computer. Bad sign number one.
Went downstairs to see red faced sis in front of her laptop. Bad sign number two.

Their eyes met. Bad sign number three.

As you can tell, im writing this blog entry in the afternoon. A sure sign that the day has ended for me.


So i watched a mid day war while eating a tuna sandwich. Cold. Bad sign number four.
Up to this point i think you guys can tell this is going to be a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long day.

Believe me, it gets worse. Red alert to all guys out there: If you have more than one sister and a mother, chart their menstrual cycle carefully. It will save your ass to high-tail out of there when the peaks meet each other. Seriously. If you have a girlfriend, chart hers too, so you wun run out of the house and clash with hers too. No man has ever managed to conquer PMS. Ever.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

After a lot of senseless gaming and stuff, i finally decided to do some stuff with this blog i opened so many months ago. Correctly that should be years, but 2 years isn't a long time, so heck with it. Fuck it, more like.

Anyhow, i'll try to post some random stuff and links on this ~thing~, as im not really a blog fan. Try having 3 sisters fighting over your computer just to ~Bl0G~ and you will feel the same damn way.

Lastest fun stuff for me is Gaki no Tsukai. My comment? Bored people are the most creative people. Maybe that's why we have a World war. So EVERYBODY can get involved. Sure, people die, but that's the price of fun, no?