Friday, December 08, 2006

I got a few rants cos im bored. And because im bored i'll post my rants in several posts. So sit down and read up. If you wanna flame me, shut the fuck up, read finish, then flame.

Ever had those nights where you just wanna sit in front of a com, play non stop, and then knock out? Damm its been going on all week. Any online RPGs just make my life real sick. Everywhere i turn, i see kids who think they GOT DA POWERRR OFFF GREYSTORMMMMM. They think they're fucking He-Man. Well i got newwwwwsss for you. First of all, tapping 3 keys at any one time won't guage you as to how MAN are you. Fuck you. That's probably the only 3 fingers you ever get to use on another body.

And second, its a simple game, it takes only 3 guides, some time, and some patience. Want a real game? Get a college degree, a steady job, a wonderful family and stay away from drugs. Can you score 100 on that? If not, sit down, shut up, play your game and get 0 for Life. Not my problem, and im probably happier you're caged away from me in my game.

More rants coming up, since i should get organized. Somehow.

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