Saturday, December 23, 2006

I walked past Mayflower Sec one day and i saw several banners about crime, records and achievements. Then i realized that Criminal records are more powerful than achievement records.


Criminal records are permanent. One is all you need to be remembered for life. Achievements? "Hey, he's the dude who made the what what insecticide, but i forgot his name."

Criminal records are cumulative, and size doesn't matter, all will count to your total. Achievements need to be taken in ascending order, first one smallest, and the next achievement needs to be larger than the previous, or it doesn't count.

Criminal records strike fear in people. Achievements just makes people think you're a snob and/or a nerd.

Criminal records ensures you have friends in the police force AND the underworld. Achievements give you neither. Well sometimes, but that is if you aren't caught yet.

Criminal records overwrite Achievements anyday. Doesn't matter what Masters you got, one child molest and you're remembered only for that.

Just a musing. People, please don't take this for real. If you do, well, its too bad, isn't it.

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