Wednesday, December 06, 2006


That was last saturday, but hey, its still worth yelling out. I should do it again.


Laptop's UP!! but its not on my lap, so i got issues. L-kun and along with the rest of the gang waited for me to settle the loan, if not for a FUCKING old man hanging out at the terminal to print out my FUCKING form. took a godamn 90 minutes settling that damn thing.

Today was steamboat. A lot of joking, a lot of fun. But thanks to me, the soup wasn't that great. But hey, food's food after all. All's cool. This is really the highlight of my day. Cos all my friends are with me, and so is my princess-sama. Eat and chill, that is the life.

Maplestory just got a LOT more sick. Kids with money are flooding the arena with their "Oh im so godly wearing this thin piece of cloth that gives me a lot of stats" items and their childish FUCKING behaviour. Fuck, life is bad enough and they had to invade a virtual world. Fuck you, if you read this bored piece of crap, Fuck you again, cos you deserve it, fuckers. If you aren't mature enough, FUCK OFF. Don't talk to me, cos im immature intolerant. I WILL FLING CRAP AT YOU IF I SEE YOU, FUCKING RETARDED FISH MONKEYS. I forgot that noob bandit's name, but if you got the nerve to spend money on your FUCKING items, you better be up to scratch, and i pity your parents for having a son that spends money on DATA. ITS FUCKING 0s AND 1s YOU IDIOT! And you know why private servers are good? COS YOU DUN HAVE TO WASTE ALL YOUR FUCKING LIFE IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER POKING MUSHROOMS BITCH! Loser? Awww cmon, you aren't that bad a person... NOT! YOU DESERVE TO PLAY IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER UNTIL YOU GET FAT BITCHES!!

As you can see, i didnt have a perfect day. Its baaaaaaaaaaaaadGOODbaaAAAAAADDDD. Fucking retarded fish monkeys that havent evolved out of their scaly vaginas and hairy cocks.

Leave your names to flame me, and this time, you flame me, you are a retarded fish monkey too. EAT YOUR OWN SHIT ASSHOLES.


Kuan Hanrong said...

Ya know, I like how quite a few MMOs are free because they adopt the Gunbound style of paying for exclusive stuff.

But of course it gets annoying when immature kids with rich parents pimp themselves out and rub it in your face.

That burns my ass.

Wanyu said...

maple's frigging boring la. =_=

ivano said...

When you talk about how sex and physics are related in maple, it can be anything BUT boring. Maple isn't for kids, seriously.