Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bored bored bored bored bored. so i write this post.

Exams studying really blows. Bitching about the wireless project that is happening. No wonder people have to pay more now. Can you say "ripoff"?

cough*te*cough*mas*cough cough.

Back to books now.


~* Lari said...

hahaahah... you really shldn't be THAT vociferous about it u know. *shhhhh* walls and cyberspace have a lot of eyes and ears =p

Kuan Hanrong said...

Now you know why there's a GST hike

ivano said...

vociferous. I like that word. And its no news anyway. Anyone with 1+1 skills can piece them together.

oh yeah, a new policy has been "made" to answer to the "hike". Think of it as placing mud on a landmine so that people won't see it. Hur hur hur. hidden landmine, hur hur hur.