Tuesday, July 11, 2006

After a lot of senseless gaming and stuff, i finally decided to do some stuff with this blog i opened so many months ago. Correctly that should be years, but 2 years isn't a long time, so heck with it. Fuck it, more like.

Anyhow, i'll try to post some random stuff and links on this ~thing~, as im not really a blog fan. Try having 3 sisters fighting over your computer just to ~Bl0G~ and you will feel the same damn way.

Lastest fun stuff for me is Gaki no Tsukai. My comment? Bored people are the most creative people. Maybe that's why we have a World war. So EVERYBODY can get involved. Sure, people die, but that's the price of fun, no?


Anonymous said...

boring boring boring...you may as well dun write

Anonymous said...

hahaha ... rice hermit here ^^ SBT ... this is really crap man ... keep up the good work!! -.-

Anonymous said...

anoymous: if it is boring, why bother to come here. a bit too smart of an act? LOL!

ivano said...

to my fellow bored friend "anonymous":

First of all, welcome to the club. You are as bored to read thru so many blogs to come to my blog as i am to write this shit. Wow, that was some intellectual personnel commenting on my boredom.

Secondly, leaving lewd comments while not showing your bloody name? That was so brave. Wow, you sure got yourself heard. You sound like the same dude(or duddette, lets not be sexist) that backstabs your best friend for his/her gals. Friends of this "anonymous" dude, beware, and if you wonder why gers(or guys) are looking at you weird, you know who to look at.

Thirdly, you aint got no class. you sound exactly like those counter-striking kids who go "OMGWTFYOUNOOBZLOLSUX0RZ". If you don't have no chicks looking at you, (im seriously thinking its a guy here. Don't judge me) its you, man.

Btw, you sure are great entertainment value, whoever you are. I actually called my sisters to see your flame. Maybe being a mime or clown is your job option?