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Flamers Fuck Off!!!
Erm.. well.. I'm just another bored person that you will meet on the streets. A member of Life, practically. I got dreams, got wishes and hopes and no money to fulfill them, that's who i am.
Note: All artwork posted here are property of the owner of this blog. No reproduction of the artworks is allowed without the owner's permission.
PS: leave your name in comments, so i know who is flaming me.
Nice, although I expected some burning maple leaves. Maybe could've re-inked the outlines to remove the jagginess, but hey, gives it more of a sketchy look anyways.
burning maple leaves. yeah i should do that next time. and cos i had little time, i had to rush through it. But thanks for the comments bro. Seriously appreciate it.
ZOMG J00 SUX!!! GO 2 HELL!!!!111oneoneoneoneoneone FLAME FLAME FLAME....
oh wait..I didn't change my nick? Fuck.
This is a grey area.
Hey! Do something about the fire! Lol Give that girl nicer hair and a better looking skirt too! Haha I think her left arm is a little too big? I mean the part of her arm with "'07". Otherwise, the hands and the legs are good! Haha I think she will look nicer if you give her a slimer waist. Her outfit looks alright but I think her top and skirt don't look too tribal. Google 'tribal' for some inspiration! Images does help inspiration! =D Good luck!
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