Been hanging out at Skywalker's place these 2 days. Been so relaxing that i forgot i got a fight with the China and Viet scholars. Damn damn damn.
i did come across some bloggable things. But i was too relaxed to remember to note them down so i'll do my best. One of the better ones was our discussion about pot. If you dunno what is pot, its the thing that boils soup in the kitchen. If you do, read on my stoned friend. Pot prevents cancer, as opposed to what's believed that it will cause lung cancer. And pot doesn't cause war. It only appeases it. That's why one certain country has a marijuana leaf on its flag. They love peace...
..its a maple leaf? Damn...
and quoting from Robin Williams, there has NEVER been an angry pot smoker. An Atomic Bong will bring celebration too.
We went shopping at FairPrice Xtra, which i found aptly named. Its a carrefour imitation. As locals go, si bei extra sia. Anyhow we were shopping for minced beef, and we found a pack that was packaged 23th Feb 2007. Now, we shopped at the 22nd, so YH-san, Skywalker and my friend, literally dropped it back like its an Ebola. no FUcKInG way im eating future meat, he said. I got to agree man.
We did a Matrix marathon just for the kick, and its matrix man. Now im kinda seeing this green hue wherever i look. damn. But i sure pity those kids who were too stoned to realize that its a fiction thing. I can dodge that bullet! There's no save point kiddo.
Finally finished Samurai champloo these 2 days. Kinda liked how it ended, as in it REALLY ended. Not left hanging like a dead toenail like Cowboy bebop did. But you gotta love Rap and Blues with samurai. Bad thing is now i start to associate rapping with the Bakumatsu. Yo yo yo Tokugawa~~ ashita wa inai yo yo yo~~ Don't comment on my jap now. Fuck you if you do. Its a rap. Its not supposed to make sense.
picked up maple again, i wonder why. Perhaps its so appealing to my tired mind. I saw WoW's rogue on a PvP rampage (That was YH-san's) and a 9Dragons Wu Tang dude slashing away (That was Skywalker's, and to any americans, stop tattooing pig ass rat face in chinese on your hand). But i still like throwing money away to blow. (throw cash for blow, hur hur hur). It WAS nice, until one dick came in to suck away my money. Fuck him. I was about to bl... nuke those badasses.
I think that about concludes it. Im sure there's going to be flames. Smoke pot people. And yeah i remember one more medical thingy. Girls, swallow if you blow. It reduces the chances of getting breast cancer. But if you still insist on throwing all that essence away, fine by me.
Fuck you flamers, fuck yourself good man.