Sunday, September 16, 2007

I’m tagged by TM-kun, who was tagged Tada-chan, and so I'm breaking from writing Annotated biblographies. Here's what I need to do...

Rules and Regulations:
1) Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.
2) People who get tagged needs to write in their blog of their own weird things as well and state the rules clearly.
3) In the end, you'll select 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

Here goes:

Weird thing 1) I hate morons. Reason being they fuck everything up. And i'm not emphatic towards their kind.

number 2) I like coke. A lot. VERY lot. Hey, its pure HP potion man.

number 3) I swear at anyone that pisses me off. Even if they look weird. Cos, well, they deserve it, for not looking at a fucking mirror.

number 4) I dislike haircuts, nor combing of hair. What a waste of time to arrange something that gets messy at the trigger of God's hairblower.

number 5) I don't like reading other people's blogs, even though i write one. If someone wants to tell me how they are, they will. Updating myself via friends' blogs will take 28 hours. Then when i meet them, what's news become olds. No point.

number 6) I don't like to pub. Not that i hate to socialise, but weird thing Number 1 is still in effect, and so pubbing increases the chances of meeting morons. BY A LOT. I shit you not on this.

And to tag... I'll decide later.

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