Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've been very angry lately. Not the kind of explosive anger about some old lady in the street or those fucking moronic drivers who have no idea what the fuck is a beam for, other than blinding other people, but really, the lamenting kind of anger in which people are showing false concern or what the government is trying to do to its people. Sure we can't do anything, but within legal boundaries I am still entitled to have my say.

Creativity. If you haven't watched the talk by Sir Ken Robinson, go watch it.

And then there's the government with their Arts Fest, held every year to "celebrate" the existence of Art, or really, to show that they do give a shit. And then there's the local academia, big on technical stuff, wanting research or procuring some new fangled tech so that they can seem bigger in this pompous circle. Sure, without them we will still be living in caves, but at least I can still fucking draw without stigmatization.

And what I'm really angry about? MDA. And their "initiative" called SITF, an R&D group. What does this reek of? ACADEMIA. Why? They won't fund just any start-up company, but only those that have an Idea that is TECHNICAL. They want people to make new tech. However, I'm a content person. I prefer content creation, and I have faith in that. What does the -gahment- thing of it? The request for funding didn't get through, if you were guessing.

I dabble in art, as you might have noticed with Neko and Inu, and also a portfolio blog I neglected for a while. My stand is: The sword is worthless if the wielder is of no substance. Time that the -gahment- pay attention to potential content creators and give THEM a chance. Food doesn't magic onto the table: Money does. Artists starve because their work is a subjective sector. And STOP PUTTING SCHOLARS INTO THE MANAGEMENT OF MDA. Art requires people who can see the world in more than Black and White. Next time you people up there wish to speak of Art, please, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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