Friday, August 31, 2007

Fuck Odex, though I'm not updating myself with that issue: I might just go and set fire to their office.

Today finally met Maisey. She's not as bad as she says herself to be, though she sounds more mature online... =X Settled her website specs and now to do it. But before that, I think i'll just chill a little...

Projects are rolling in! Wooo! i'm so dead so this blog will be too. For now. Don't worry, vids will come on when i find some.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



I-san showed this to me, and talk about a quality syncro dance.

I'm still pissed!

Japanese tetris. You don't need to know Japanese to laugh at this: It just makes this funnier.

Its off topic, but I'm still pissed. Meanwhile, Its DR TRAN!!

He has a Ph'd in KICKING YOUR ASS!
ODEX can burn in hell for their trashing about in the shitpit.

First they COPY off fan subs and sell it. Fan subs, subbed by people who don't earn a CENT for their work, and decorate it beautifully and add tidbits of information to make the anime easier to watch, and ODEX had the NERVE to copy it, albeit 45% of it, and SELL it. Motherfucking SELLING it. AND ITS STILL OF SHIT STANDARDS! Even SHIT has grades.

Then, they try to sub it themselves. Result? TOTAL. SHIT. I rather spend time torrenting quality fan subs than spend good money buying shit. And ODEX BLAMES fan subs for their drop of sales. If they play the blame game, sorry, shithole, you're getting the short end of the stick and taking a long walk off a short pier. Look at which hole you're poking at before you stick your face into it.

Now, to make their money roll in more, those motherfuckers are HARVESTING IP addresses to find people to sue. RANDOM people, including a 9 year old, just because they prefer quality pieces of work to a useless group of monkeys translating Japanese into Engrish.

Now, i call out to all: BOYCOTT ODEX ANIMES. Shitty subs, HORRIBLE quality, and SLOW releases, stop paying for useless goods. Support the free fan subs instead. GIVE CREDIT TO WHERE CREDIT IS DUE.

Read more here:'s_actions_against_file_sharing

And as a summary, as well as a move to support local talent:


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quotes that I have thought up and/or heard over the past few days:

- "Reason and Excuse sounds similiar, but they are not. Reason is backed by Violence, whereas Excuse doesn't. That's why parents speak REASON and children speak EXCUSES." 2 days ago.

- "School is fucked up lately. They teach the basics of bullying, violence, extortion, gangsterism and threatening. They make you meet their demanding requests without complaints, they carry out acts of pain should you disobey, they want you to pay again and again despite you paying for your school fees already, teachers gang up together to bully students, and you're given the threat of expulsion, suspension and parent meetings should you go against their "rules"." today.

- "METEORRRR STORMMMM!!!!!!!" later of today.

- "Speakers on a bicycle? Next thing we know, there's going to be laptops on bikes so people can surf and bike." Not that funny, but i leave it here anyway.

- "It has been announced that technology has allowed people to have computers on their cars so they can check their mail on the go. Looks like they forgot why reading SMSes while driving is a criminal offence." Somewhere today.

- "Killing him doesn't even amount to murder. It's just a very late abortion." Got this one from Venture Brothers, but its the best insult to slam on any losers out there.

I'll add more when i feel like it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Why do i say that?

CS4213: Game development. I dropped Visual communication, which i bidded for 1000 points, and took up this EXTREME module. One point to note that I was the one who drove the pointage up to 1000. Guess 14 other people were wondering why they spend an extra 400 points getting a simple module now.

Then there's ST2131, probability. First lecture made m cry. Why? The old man was MUTTERING. INTO THE MIKE. Now I'm not a microphone specialist, but I'm sure those devices were made to AMPLIFY sounds. If even that device of ultimate amplification fails to louden him, Nothing will. Maybe when his crotch is on fire. To make things worse, he writes on a whiteboard to a 300 strong cohort in a Lecture Theatre, with the projector shining on his words. Common sense is an Uncommon trait. Fucking hell.

NM2101, theories of new media was ok i guess. I got lost when the dude jumped to Alien: the movies. What the hell do they have in common? Movies spread propaganda? Wait, that made sense. Look at the Ch 8 shows now. Touche.(Yes i know the e has to have the tick on it, and fuck you too.)

The rest is too depressing to type out, mainly because i havent attended the lessons. WOOOOOOOOOOO DIE LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.