Thursday, April 12, 2007

Motorists that signal left and turn right, its a very scary breed to leave rampant into the streets. They signal, and then run straight into people. Fuck you crazy motorists. If you cannot signal, fucking yell or get off the streets.


Kuan Hanrong said...

They should have in-built safety devices in cars for those situations. Like, if the driver signals left but turns right, the seat automatically ejects the fucking driver out of the car.

ivano said...

Nah. I'd rather the car just swerve off the road in the right direction.

THEN eject the driver.

Andrew Teo said...

Erm...why still eject the driver when the car's going to crash by swerving off the road in the right direction? Stop saving the idiot population, dude.

ivano said...

Ah, that's where the genius part of my plan is: we swerve to save the peaceful bunch. Then eject with 98% probability that he flies in front of his car.

if 2% is on his side i'll brain him with a blunt knife.

Andrew Teo said...

Bah, just kill all idiocy, that's when the world will be a much smarter place.

Just let the car swerve in the right direction, off the road, and lock in the safety belts. Car goes boom, one or more idiot(s) dead, the world becomes a smarter place, and we slightly solve the overpopulation problem.

I still think my solution's better =P

ivano said...

But you kill innocent squirrels that way. Don't kill off the smarter part of the population.

I still say an emergency brake at 150 is better. And an airbag that expands at 300km/h.

Anonymous said...

Mmm...NOW we're talking XD