Alright, a nice update for an episode I see worth bitching about.
I bought myself an iPod, which is like the most impossible thing on Earth. Three reasons why I shouldn't be buying an iPod:
1. Apple has a bastardly marketing strategy which revolves around their glossy feel more than performance.
2. Apple sucks.
3. I always preferred Linux over Apple.
Bonus 4: Apple sucks.
But against all odds I still bought an iPod, because other brands aren't even close in this field. Creative has Zen which is like a shitty player compared to the iPod Nano 4th Gen.
Then I tried to add songs, first thing anyone would do, right? World of Hate awaited me. I plopped the songs into the iPod straight, thinking it woul work like that. Nope. apparently you need iTunes to add songs for you. How about a iRubBalls for me, eh?
So I ranted, naturally. But on facebook, since i frequent it a lot now. My status says this:
"Ivan owns an Ipod for but 2 hours and now knows why Apple sucks. Thank god for Rockbox."
And then Eric hops along. In case you don't know who this tight assed fuck is, Eric is the friend you call "I just know him." The kind who you keep as a skeleton in the closet and exhibit to friends only when he starts to smell. I don't know what I was on when I click "Add as friend". Facebook needs a "Add as a skeleton in closet" option. That prick said:
"Eric Ho at 12:44am December 23
If Apple sucks, you'd better not be using a PC with Windows on it....cause that speaks of how "WELL" you know how to judge technology."
I had to reply. Its those mindless replies against my pure sentiments, like those who say eating meat is evil because you kill the animal for its meat. Well, tell me that when I have my flesh living. Off you. The reply, anyway:
"Apple sucks cos they only care about external design and not know about the simplicity of user interface. I judge technology by the frontend, not the backend. Fuck backend. Apple sucks cos they are using an Intel based chipset. Stop using stuff windows is using and then i say a mac rocks. Does mac use something else? no? Apple ... Read Moresucks. Fuck off. All the iMac is good for is marketting. iPod took off, steve jobs starts selling the same glossy surface mac and says its better than windows. Sure, for an OS that can't do jack shit, of course its bug free, no one cares about it!
So if i judge technology bad, dun mind me taking out my report card and slapping you, with the words OPERATING SYSTEM: A on it."
For the record, using a report card is just a silly move I reserve for silly people. Cmon, that's my only A, and I'm not exactly an academic person. I'm one of those retarded Uni students who don't excel on books, only working experience. But it seems to shut them assholes up well.
And SO, to prevent anymore people slamming pro-Apple comments, I sealed it off:
"Ivan : Apple sucks. Shut up."
Its one of those bait and reel traps I laid out. And guess who bites?
"Eric Ho at 2:38pm December 23
If I had said Linux rules! (which I strongly agree), you might have responded differently.
Don't feel so insecure and start shutting people up when they respond to you with different views."
If I felt "insecure" and "start shutting people up" I'd have huddled up in a hole and gone emo all over, won't I. HOWEVER, I do hate people accepting technology without judging the pros and cons, and mislead the rest of the people with their half assed opinions, and I'll tell you to shut up, lest you start destroying the whole of humanity with a stupid statement. George Bush did that, and I sure as hell don't want friends to come up to me:
"Help Ivan, I bought a Mac and I can't do anything!"
"I TOLD you Eric was an asshole."
and so I shut any such sentiments up. Fast. I'm not insecure, I just reply with satyr.
And for your reading pleasure, something i Posted on Facebook:
Before another prick tries the "Apple doesn't suck" shit
Lemme give a rundown why I start to hate my freshly bought iPod Nano (Its fucking 4th gen, but i still get irritated by it). Oh yeah, bought off, btw.
- You need a player to synchronize it: Sure, the reason being for fast loading time. By doing so the player will instantly know what songs are already on it, so the time taken to search for songs is saved. But I don't want a laggy iTunes to control my iPod, thank you. Sure, there are other players that can do that, but why not a little freedom, and let ME DO THE SEARCHING WHEN I DUMP SONGS INTO MY FARKIN PLAYER? I'm not a sheep, I do like to do some things myself.
- You may only play some types of files: Oh FUCK YOU APPLE. If I want to play avi, I expect some freedom to. But NOOOOO. I pay money to buy a player that says "PLAY VIDEOS" in bold, and then the files it can play in small, font 4 print at the FUCKING BOTTOM of the page. If I see those words bigger than its disclaimer, I expect that there's some truth in their advertisement.
If you want more proof about Apple's false advertising:
- I cannot change my themes: If you aren't picky, fine, I'll leave you alone. But I don't want my iPod to look like a pop up on Mac. Its plain. Shut up, its fucking plain. If i want it to look a faggotty pink, i jolly well better have that freedom to change it. And using THEIR tools. Not a third party firmware hacking tool that can void my warranty.
- What goes into the iPod stays there, or at least, not coming out: Ipod as a music backing up device? Too bad.
- If you want to set a custom playlist, do it offline: Oh this one is just plain fucking stupid. I bought an iPod thinking that its such a frontier player, and that I can select songs and put them into a list and play one set when I'm jogging, one set when I'm beating the shit out of Mac fanatics, and so on. No. Set it offlife, and then upload it into the iPod, via Notepad or player or psychic powers. Fine. What if i want a song out of the list when I'm out? Too bad. Tolerate that till you get home, which most likely you will FORGET ABOUT IT LATER ON.
Windows may blow (It does, shut up.) but at least it has a team to cater to every whim of every consumer. And don't tell me Mac has less viruses. A Fork virus ain't that impossible to make, douchebag. Apple Sucks. Shut up.
And Eric, you haven't changed one bit over the years. Not a bit.