Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bored bored bored bored bored. so i write this post.

Exams studying really blows. Bitching about the wireless project that is happening. No wonder people have to pay more now. Can you say "ripoff"?

cough*te*cough*mas*cough cough.

Back to books now.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Quote of today:

If there is no quote, there is no quote.

Yeah im bored. Blame maths, integration and hitler. Bingo.
Quote of yesterday: (by J-kun)

If drinking milk can make you grow taller, cows won't be so short.


For those that are saying "you are so bored man.", Read the fucking title.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I went through an old post and i thought this might be worth posting. It was a comment about one of my posts.

boring boring boring...you may as well dun write

to my fellow bored friend "anonymous":

First of all, welcome to the club. You are as bored to read thru so many blogs to come to my blog as i am to write this shit. Wow, that was some intellectual personnel commenting on my boredom.

Secondly, leaving lewd comments while not showing your bloody name? That was so brave. Wow, you sure got yourself heard. You sound like the same dude(or duddette, lets not be sexist) that backstabs your best friend for his/her gals. Friends of this "anonymous" dude, beware, and if you wonder why gers(or guys) are looking at you weird, you know who to look at.

Thirdly, you aint got no class. you sound exactly like those counter-striking kids who go "OMGWTFYOUNOOBZLOLSUX0RZ". If you don't have no chicks looking at you, (im seriously thinking its a guy here. Don't judge me) its you, man.

Btw, you sure are great entertainment value, whoever you are. I actually called my sisters to see your flame. Maybe being a mime or clown is your job option?

Thought i might have to share why i want the names of those that flame me. to critics: Are you this loser here? If so, good. Hide in your hovel so i don't have to see your fucking face.
Today i took a look at TV. A rare thing. Then i saw the preview of a local drama. Its not drama, its an educational social feature. That's singaporean drama for you know. Everything is controlled now. News are controlled, shows are controlled... that's why i watch anime now. Unlimited violence and humour that has no thread of social nor political insight. TV now has too much reality. If i want reality, i'd go out and jump onto a car. Moving. Preferbably a Farrari. If i gotta face reality i may as well face it good. And get one with a nice face. And not a male driver.

Yes im bored, fucking critics.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

alright~ previous post was a song that i heard on streaming radio. Pity its quite lost in the mists of internet time. Irritating. But at least youtube got its MTV. Talk about transitioning. Anyhow if you're interested the title is Miss You from m-flo loves Melody with Ryohei Yamamoto. But i like the artist's name more than the song. =D

testing to see if it works

Sunday, November 05, 2006

今度、俺は日本語へブロゴにかきます。しょがないだ。試験の時間あと2週間から。練習は必要あります。だって、この entry の時間はも10分です。。。俺はまだまだ上手だ。死でおもいいわ。。。

Hope you bored ppl that saw this can read this. If not, well, its another bored rant.
I just seen my previous posts for comments (Shyt you F-chan), and i came across one pretty interesting comment:

hey, I just got a free $500.00 Gift Card. you can redeem yours at Abercrombie & Fitch All you have to do to get yours is Click Here to get a $500 free gift card for your backtoschool wardrobe
Being pwnt by maths so i'll just make a bored rant here.


Thanks you for your few seconds of your time to read this rant. And if you STILL wanna flame this post, Fuck you, and leave your name so that i know who's been wasting time on my bored post.

And one thing, Don't tell me i shouldn't even post in the first place. FUCKING HELL READ THE TITLE OF MY BLOG YOU STUPID SHIT.

To friends who come to read, i really hate maths man, i really do.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wow, one month from my previous post. Guess i wasn't bored during this month. Missed out a lot of things to blog about, including my 1 day job as an invigilator at st. Nicks. Monster hovel, really. Now for you St. Nick girls out there reading this post and going "NO WE AREN'T!", im serious, you girls are monsters when you want to. Its just that you girls aren't looking at yourselves when you are misbehaving. Anyhow, it was fun. Took a pic of the poor girls struggling at the paper. A-chan was working with me, and she's my sister's junior so i had to keep a lookout for her. Like for example monster taming. Even she was a little lost at what to do, but oh well, i can handle it. Objectives are clear so there was nothing to it.

Anyhow exams are coming soon. L-kun and T-kum hooked me to doTAAAAAAAA so now im a bone fletcher going around eating my friends. T-kun keep insisting that the sun wu kong bar isn't working for me. So i ate him. Well, not exactly him, but i ate the ones around him, since i cannot directly ate him. Hence he got eaten by the opposition. Who ever said you don't need friends? You do, otherwise you will go hungry at times. L-kun was quite objective about the SunWuKong bar too. However i didn't eat him, since he supports the frontline well. And i don't like iron. Ice cream was always an undead's favourite. And good eating too. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. Wait, im a skeleton. Hmm... Make that melts in your space that once was your mouth but then degenerated into an empty space with barely 20 teeth and a jaw, not in your what was once hands but now finger bones. Undead M&Ms. Mmmmm...

Soft Engine project was quite smooth, with ruffles here and there. Im more worried for maths. Now i really hate the wars. Why? They made scientists think harder. And with nothing to do but hide in labs counting, they made a+b have meaning. Fuck hitler. Fuck musolinni. Spelling mistake, you say? Fuck you too.

Bored out of my skul, but then gaming seems too sinful now. Shyt studying. And for those that like sadist laughs, go to NewGrounds to watch MGShitEater. Its cool. MoreLikeBlue is also fun sadist humour. Forgot the author's name, but he's an innovative dude. Aftering seeing his comics, im never drinking red bull. Cos i really dun wan random wings sprouting all over me.

That's it for today. If you wanna flame, leave a name. If you wanna comment, pls feel free. If you comment in any other language instead of english, make sure its chinese or japanese. Good day, all fellow bored people.